Here he is!!!
Born at 11:46pm on April 22nd, 2008, weighing in at 6lb 1oz, heeeeere's Dario!!!

Wee! Poor nephew has to get used to zia Daniela being so loud!

Lil Beaker and me.


I'm keepin' my eye on you!

ET phone home? Aka chin-scratching/pondering the universe...

Mom, is that you?!

Yep. Ok, back to sleep now.

Ooohh, gettin' woozy...

Wee! Poor nephew has to get used to zia Daniela being so loud!
Lil Beaker and me.
I'm keepin' my eye on you!
ET phone home? Aka chin-scratching/pondering the universe...
Mom, is that you?!
Yep. Ok, back to sleep now.
Ooohh, gettin' woozy...
After I hugged/kissed my mom at the airport (and cried a lil!), I asked her what the status was. I had no idea if my sis in law 1. was giving birth at that very moment, 2. was still at home waiting for the doctor to call her in to induce her, or 3. already gave birth. So as soon as I asked what the status was, she stopped in her tracks, realizing I was in dark about it all, and said, "The baby is born!" And from then on it was all a flash... :) It was an emotional day... Just looking at the pics, I'm gettin' faklempt!
cute nephew! congrats!
and also big congrats on the scholarship etc. in madison!!!!!!!
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