Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sum-sum-summa time..

Now that the warm weather's here, you see a lot more motorcycles, scooters and even some roadsters around here. Normal. But I don't suppose to see these rollin' around town, do ya?

Yep, people still ride around in motorcycles with sidecars in Germany. Not many, and pretty much because it's cool. (Maaaan, I wanna ride in one!) And speaking of motorcycles with sidecars, we saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull last night. Exactly what I expected it to be, a fun movie with corny lines and George Lucas' cheese-lovin' fingerprints all over it. Not excited that they'll eventually be making "Son of Indiana Jones" movies soon. Well that's capitalism for ya.

Did you ever see the Cheese Run in Gloucester, England? It's an annual contest where lots of people literally chase a wheel of cheese down a verrrry steep hillside. It's pretty funny to watch, although lots of injuries ensue!