Wednesday, September 5, 2007

So I'm a deserter-- or, the euphemism for that, which is

a mover and a shaker. Haha. Who knows. All I know is that I can't stay still for very long!

The going away party was a smash!! In fact, I made like a Hefty Bag and got trashed. Hahah. Fun part was when Ori played Maracaibo:

My mom sent me these links to two Italian songs called "Daniela" the other day:

By the way, my sister-in-law is prego, the baby is due in April (make it a girl, yeaaa!!!) so I may be back for a short visit in May since I'm allowed 15 days leave for important family reasons, etc.

Ugh, back to packing. My luggages weight 70lbs each!!!! Poor Michi is going to have a blast with me dragging them from Schonefeld Airport back to his Mitte apartment.