Friday, August 17, 2007


Everyone loves a lil photo action:

Jeff is next to me, then Dianna then Christian.

Vogueing at Universal Studios

Exhausted at Sea World. Did you know Sea World is owned by Anheuser-Busch? Yea! They have a beer house where guests over 21 are entitled for 2 free beers. Luckily for us, there were 3 bartenders. (Well, lucky for Jeff and Christian, since I don't drink beer and Christian is underage, hah!)

Dreaming of home...

Jeff takes cool shots. Sometimes.

Old man Jeff

One night at the beach, I felt something crawl on my leg. Look who it was!

I was so ecstatic!

No comment.

My coworkers. Magic Kindgom.

Jeff standing next to a woman on stilts. He's a lil on the tall side.

All pics located here.


  1. Just Another Blog said...

    Im a brilliant photographer. And i think you know that.