Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's a BOY!!!!!!

Ok, I really did want a niece but whenever you find out what sex the baby is, it doesn't matter because it's SO exciting. When I opened the email to see the sonogram, I almost fell out of my chair and nearly peed my pants laughing so hard. Check out my nephew, chillin' Busciglio style with hands behind head and all-- just like my brother and my dad. And that little belly!!!!!

In the third one, seems like he's sucking his thumb.

I decided I'm calling him Lil Jimmy (my dad's nickname) until they decide on one. Genetics are truly unbelievable.

I put the first sonogram pic as my desktop wallpaper. I crack up every single time I look at it. Is that a Bush or what?!?! :D


  1. Anonymous said...

    Oh Daniela! I do love you so much, the excitement you have for your nephew makes me so happy to have you as his aunt!! xoxox