Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh, hey!


The reason why I had to take a pic of something with my name on it, spelled the correct way, is because as a lil kid, I would always want a license plate or tag or scroll or something pretty cheesy that had my name on it... But I was never able to find my name. And if I did, it was spelled "Daniella," which is absolutely incorrect and unheard of in Italy. (Oh, by the way, believe it or not, when I worked in Florida, I met people who had never even heard of my name before.
Them: "Oh, nice to meet you, Danielle."
Me: "Uh. DanielUh." Aside: Damnit.]
Them: "Oh my my, well I've never heard that one before! How interesting now!"
Me: smiles sarcastingly)

My store was across the street from some big ole church...yea, this one:

And what would an Italy blog be without the obligatory kitschy photo of a cappuccino with a heart made out of a foam?

Now my life is complete.

*rolls eyes*