....and let's move onto February.
You know what's weird? I clicked on cartoon video and it told me I couldn't watch it because they're not allowed to stream the video to people outside the US (legal mumbo jumbo, blah blah)...but that's not the weird part. The weird part is that, after reading that message on the screen, I thought to myself, "What are they talking about? I'm in the US!"
*Shakes head like wet dog shakes body*
Went to a Smashing Pumpkins concert this past weekend. Forgot how much I loved these guys and rock in general. Loved the show, hated the participants. How is it possible that I only saw ONE Italian jumping around to Bullet with Butterfly Wings?? What's wrong with these people? I know there would have been moshpits galore if I would have see SP stateside. And although I'm not a fan of moshpits in general, a lil vitality would have been appreciated here, and not just a bunch of zombies staring up at Billy Corgan's shiny bald head with a lustful craving to have a bite of his brains. Christ, people. Oh wait, I forgot that Italians don't like to sweat. It's unfashionable. In fact, while Paige was jogging outside a few weeks ago, some guy rolled down his window and yelled out to her, in Italian of course, "You're sweating too much!! It's Ugly!!!!"
Aside from that, great weekend with Michi. :) And I didn't even get to show him the Duomo! Blame it on the crap weather. We did eat amazing pizza, at a famous joint called La Vecchia Napoli in Milano. I'm quite sure my dad would have approved (seeing as his life mission revolves around finding the perfect pizza.) Michi saw the menu, all in Italian (which he doesn't speak), and without even blinking an eye, zooms into the "Bismarck" pizza (obviously named after Otto von Bismarck, the 1st Chancellor of Deutschland), and exclaims proudly, "I gotta represent my country!!" Haha. (The Bismarck was basically like a Romana-- raw prosciutto-- plus an egg in the middle.) He loved it.
Congrats to the Giants!!! Epic game, David vs. Goliath style. Just hope that my brother isn't planning on naming the baby Eli now. :P Stayed up til 4:30am watching the game on the internet (woohoo for tv-pirating!) and subsequently missed / slept through the entire work day. Oops. Michael and I wish we could be at the ticker tape parade tomorrow in the city!